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First purchase anniversary automation

Automation, one year anniversary since first purchase, online store purchase

Kateřina Irová avatar
Written by Kateřina Irová
Updated over a week ago

Every e-shopper wants the customer to purchase from them repeatedly. But what if your customer forgets about you and does not come back to make another purchase? I.E. He decides to shop at the competition, or he prefers to buy in a store.

This situation can be easily prevented by creating simple automation that will send your customer an email in which he will be reminded of your online store.

TIP: Start building brand awareness and quality relationships with your contacts by setting up targeted emailing - use one of our preset automations or create your own automation step by step according to the instructions in this article.

What do I need?

If you use the Marketer+ tariff and you have set up active integration with your online store, you can start creating your automation right away.

How do I make automation?

At first, you need to create a template to remind your customers.

Your template can look like this:

In the next step, we will move on to the creation of automation itself. In the main account overview, click on "Automation" then choose "New Automation". The following menu will appear.

As a title you can use for example "First purchase anniversary" (the name serves for your reference).

Next, you need to set up a frequency for the automation. You can set up a frequency under the "Run this automation" field. For this automation we recommend using Only once for each user. The automation will only run once, which is desirable if it is the first purchase anniversary.

The last step is to choose a contact list to which the automation will be linked.

What could your automation look like?

On the PrintScreen, you can see a way to make your first purchase anniversary automation, where you react to the creation of an order, followed by a condition, checking whether the purchase is the first purchase. The automation then waits for 365 days until it sends an email with a reminder.

If you wish to send a reminder sooner, you only need to edit the waiting time. (p.e. 3 months, 6 months ...)

TIP: We recommend adding a discount code into your reminder template, which might interest the customer enough to buy again. You can also use another element of motivation to buy (free shipping, 1+1, etc.). You can read more about using discount codes in automations here.

If you wish to make custom automation with the help of our specialist, do not hesitate to contact us at

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