What these segments are and how to create them are presented in this article. Let's now look at some of the segments that you can create in Ecomail according to basic segmentation criteria:
contact details (name, surname, address, birthday, name day, gender, date of registration, rating, note in the contact detail, etc.)
custom contact attributes (eg number of points, customer has a dog)
preference groups
users' activity in campaigns
activities in automation
web activity
1. Segments according to contact properties:
1.1. Segment by city - are you organizing an event in London and you want to send an invitation only to contacts from London? No problem. You only need to have this information provided with your contacts.
1.2. Segment by registration date - Do you need to send the campaign only to contacts that you have imported (or otherwise added) to the contact list before or after a date? This information is added to contacts automatically, whether you import the contact or add it through a sign up form on your website.
1.3. Segment by gender and city - do you want to send the campaign to all women from London? All you have to do is have a name for the contacts -> the application will automatically generate a title, gender and name date in a moment. For the city segment, you still need to have insert a city. Here you see a segment of all contacts - women who are from London.
2. Segments based on tags
If you have contacts from two promotions and you have marked them with the tags PromotionPrague and PromotionBerlin, and want to send them newsletters, you create a segment that has the tag PromotionPrague or has the tag PromotionBerlin.
3. Segments based on custom contact attributes
Sometimes the basic fields (name, address, etc.) for contacts are not enough and you add some custom contact attributes (eg customer ID, or other) so that you can divide your database. For example, here you segment all contacts that have a "Win" in their custom field named "Competition".
4. Segments based on preferences
You will create a segment according to your group using the condition "Group" "is in group", for example, "every day". Contacts have entered that they want to receive newsletters every day.
Here we see a segment of all contacts from the group "every day" who registered on 24.05.2021. Combination of segmentation according to preferences and characteristics.
5. Segmentation based on activity in campaigns
5.1. Active recipients segment - filter of all contacts, which have opened at least one email in one of your campaigns in the last year.
5.2. Segment of inactive contacts in the last month - used for reactivation of these recipients. You can address contacts who have recently stopped being active with a special offer.
5.3. Segment of contacts of recipients who clicked on a specific link in the campaign - if you are interested in contacts who clicked on a specific link, or a button with a link, an image with a link, etc.
6. Segmentation based on the behavior of contacts in automations
Here you choose segmentation according to the behavior in automation. For example, you want to filter all contacts that have entered the automation "Welcome". That is, the automation that starts after subscribing into the list.
How and according to what you want to segment is up to you. You can use an almost unlimited amount of conditions and information.
If you have any further questions regarding segmentation in Ecomail, you can contact us at support@ecomail.app