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Advanced segmentation

See how you can segment by web behaviour or how to use advanced segmentation in fields that contain "date" in the list.

Kateřina Irová avatar
Written by Kateřina Irová
Updated over 3 years ago

You can learn about segments and how to create them in this article. Moving on from basic segments, learn about more advanced segmentation and how to create segments useful for effective email marketing.

In Ecomail, you segment contacts based on:

  • default contact characteristics (such as name, address, date of registration, etc.)

  • assigned tags

  • custom fields (= fields you create in which you can enter values relevant to your mailing and contact database, e.g. "pet name" or "lesson level")

  • preference groups, (i.e. depending on what content your contacts prefer directly)

  • campaign activity (based on data from campaign reports)

  • automation activity (based on data from automation reports)

All of these segments can be found in the basic segments article.

However, in advanced segmentation, you can add segments that react to contacts behaviour on your website or sort by time-specific activities i.e. segment by:

Segmentation by web activity - browsing, purchasing

Segmentation by web activity offers many variations:

Namely, you can segment if contact has: visited page, visited page URL, purchased something, has not purchased, purchase from a category, purchased a specific item. And also by: title of the purchased item, shipping country and shipping city, price of purchased items, total purchase value and custom event.

1.1. Segmentation by behaviour on your web

Do you want to find out which contacts have visited a specific page on your website? For example, a certain category page because you want to highlight new products in that category? Just create a segment:

1.2 Segmentation by site movement and purchase

Do you want to get rid of stock and restock one particular product? You can use a combination of conditions and create a segment of all the contacts who were interested in a particular product on your site and have not yet purchased it:

1.3 Segmentation to motivate further purchases

Do you have customers who have purchased in the past but have not made a purchase in a while? Create a segment of them and motivate them to buy:

Advanced segmentation by the "date" field with the f(x) function

Want to target contacts that have registered in the last month or send a reminder to those, whose loyalty program will be ending in a month? Check out specific examples of how to work with our advanced real-time data feature.

First, for the Select Date field ("datepicker", in which you select a specific date), switch to f(x):

Then, work with the current date (so the segment does not need to be updated again) according to the following legend:


represents the current date

CURDATE() - interval 1 day

is the current date minus one day, i.e. yesterday

CURDATE() + interval 1 day

is the current date plus one day, i.e. tomorrow

2.1 New contacts segment (registered lately)

In this case, we wanted to know the current number of newly registered contacts that have logged in over the last x days. We set "Registration date" as the main criteria. The middle condition is also "on the current day and after" to select just the 5-day interval and the last matching day.

Than choose:

CURDATE() - interval 5 day


CURDATE() for the current date

- for days back in time

interval 5 day for a period of 5 days

Specific example: The current preview is from the time the segment was created (2nd of December). 2nd of December (current date) minus 5 days equals 27th of November. In this condition using On and after a specific day, All days between 27th of November and today (2nd of December) will be selected.

When the middle time condition is changed to "after", all contacts logged in during the 5-day interval will pass, and therefore contacts from the 27th of November will not make it into this segment. Therefore, only contacts logged between 28th of November and 2nd of December will be in the segment.

If you change the middle condition to "before", you will see all contacts logged in before the specified interval.

The current preview is from the time the segment was created 2nd of December.

2.2 Future date segment (custom field)

You can also react to dates that are yet to occur, i.e. prepare a segment "for the future" - and then use the condition in automations in a similar way.

Such segmentation is typically associated with your custom fields (= fields you create in which you can enter values relevant to your mailing and contact database, e.g. "loyalty card validity"), which are also a type of "date" field:

The image is from the contacts import, where you can create your own fields and upload the value to the contacts field.

TIP: For the segmentation to work correctly, the imported data in the custom field must always be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

So in this case we are interested in the custom field for the contacts and the future date.


CURDATE() + interval 5 day


CURDATE() for the current date

+ for a future date

interval 5 day for a period of 5 days

Specific example: We want to find a group of contacts whose card expires anytime from the date that is 5 days from today.

Choose the condition on and after a specific date. The interval will be CURDATE() + interval 5 day.

If the current date is 20th of November, the interval will include all dates after 25th of November.

When the middle condition is changed to "After", all contacts with a date of 26th of November onwards will pass.

If you change the middle condition to "On the specific day", only the contacts

with the date 25th of November.

Therefore, you can react on this date and remind your customer that their card is about to expire.

If you have any further questions regarding segmentation in Ecomail, you can contact us at

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