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Monitoring transactions with Ecomail
Jan Tlapak avatar
Written by Jan Tlapak
Updated over a week ago

Tracking is only available for the Marketer+ plan.

In the Marketer+ tariff, Ecomail allows you to track various transactions of your customers. Based on the transactions you can then segment your contacts or create automatic campaigns. Transaction tracking can be done by connecting via API or using tracking code.

For connection via API, see the documentation.

To track with a tracking code, you must have a tracking code installed.

To track your subscribers' orders (transactions) follow these steps:

1) Place an order

'1234', // ID of an order (integer) - mandatory
'Charles' bakery', // Name of shop
'150', // total - mandatory
'15', // tax
'10', // transport
'Prague', // city
'Prague', // district / region
'CZ' // country

2) Add items to the order

'1234', // ID of an order (integer) - mandatory
'DD44', // SKU/code - mandatory
'Pretzel', // name of the product
'Poppy', // category / product variation
'5', // price per unit - mandatory
'1' // amount - mandatory

3) Send the order

window.ecotrack('newTracker', 'cf', '', { // Initialise a tracker
appId: '--- !!! ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT ID HERE !!! ---'
window.ecotrack('setUserIdFromLocation', 'ecmid');
'1234', // ID of an order (integer) - mandatory
'Charles' Bakery', // name of shop
'150', // total - mandatory
'15', // tax
'10', // transport
'Prague', // city
'Prague', // district / region
'CZ' // country
'1234', // ID of an order (integer) - mandatory
'DD44', // SKU/code - mandatory
'Pretzel', // name of the product
'Poppy' // category / product variation
'5', // price per unit - mandatory
'1' // amount - mandatory

If you have any further questions, you can contact us at


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